Monday, September 26, 2011

Star Wars: Blue Ray Edition

A good artist knows when to stop working on a project. George Lucas is not a good artist apparently and is intent on ruining his best pieces of work. If you have not heard already Lucas is making changes to his 30 years old films, again.

Now let me just say I completely understand wanting to make minor FX changes. Like making the Ewoks blink. I have no problem with that. I have issue with Lucas changing the story of Star Wars.

Han Shot first

Most good fans agree this should never have been changed. Lucas used effects to change the scene so it appeared that Greedo shot first, and Hans shooting was somehow less cruel.

See the reason the character of Han was so good was that he was the kind of guy that would shoot first. He was a scoundrel, he told us so in the movie. But Lucas thought the character should be more noble. I understand why he did it, he wanted to make Han Good guy because people loved him. The point that Lucas missed was that we love him because he isn't the good guy, not all the time. He the Scoundrel and reluctant hero. Hes real, and flawed and not gonna wait around to get shot. So I think where George wanted to make him a better character it actually had the opposite effect. Even morally I argue that murdering in self defense is still murder. The situation actually is changed little by Greedo managing to get a shot off before getting killed, Han still killed him in self defense, the only real change is that the scene feel less sincere since we know its been edited.

That brings us to Lucas' latest addition. Two lines of Vader saying Nooooo right before throwing the emperor into the pit of the Death Star. This change I understand even less. We already know whats going on in Vader's head, its pretty clear from the scene. It also serves to remind us what a horrible mess the third movie was. Lucas seems intent on turning his greatest characters into sniveling wusses.

Added Scene of Vader Screaming noooo

I mean did you not think we would know it was the same Vader from the third movie? Vader just didn’t yell noooooo in your movies enough for you? But really why? It doesn't add anything, you could have done it in the original movie if you wanted to, so are you second-guessing yourself at this point? Are you going to start to take back changes that you made previously? Can we even get an unaltered copy of these movies in an HD format?

This brings me back to my opening statement. Its time to put the brush down George. You've clearly shown you have no good ideas left for this franchise, leave it in the care of people that clearly love it and are more talented than you. Empire was the best movie of the series for a reason, you didn't direct it, that was a good instinct, its time to let go.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Debt

I dont' want to spoil it for you but it's a Horrible Movie. The characters are all flat. I found my self really only interested in the War criminal for the most of the movie because he was the only one that had any glimmer of personality.

But, there's romance, well I guess if you call having sex with someone because you said they were beautiful then having to enter into a bitter marriage because you got them pregnant romance. Also one guy kills himself and the explanation for this never makes sense.

The twists and turns were predictable and really at the end you really wonder why people are recommending this movie. I guess they have some moral quandaries, like is there really a point to killing a war criminal when hes 90 and has already had a full free life.

This is a remake of an Israeli movie from 2007, that movie was lauded for its Acting and described as an intense thriller made on a low budget. Well this movie was not well acted and never really felt intense. There were tense moments but for the most part was very boring.

If you have the option, see something else.