Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Debt

I dont' want to spoil it for you but it's a Horrible Movie. The characters are all flat. I found my self really only interested in the War criminal for the most of the movie because he was the only one that had any glimmer of personality.

But, there's romance, well I guess if you call having sex with someone because you said they were beautiful then having to enter into a bitter marriage because you got them pregnant romance. Also one guy kills himself and the explanation for this never makes sense.

The twists and turns were predictable and really at the end you really wonder why people are recommending this movie. I guess they have some moral quandaries, like is there really a point to killing a war criminal when hes 90 and has already had a full free life.

This is a remake of an Israeli movie from 2007, that movie was lauded for its Acting and described as an intense thriller made on a low budget. Well this movie was not well acted and never really felt intense. There were tense moments but for the most part was very boring.

If you have the option, see something else.

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